Your sessions will focus exclusively on you.

We respect your privacy according to HIPAA; this means we will keep confidential anything you share with us.

By law, we adhere to the following exceptions

  • You are in imminent danger to yourself or others.
  • There is evidence of unreported child or elder abuse.
  • Your insurance requires confidential information from your file.
  • The courts decide to subpoena your confidential file.

Otherwise, we will not disclose your private file without your consent.

Authorization for Release of Information

Do you want us to contact anyone about your private situations? If so, click the PRINT tab below, and then complete and sign the Release form. You can then mail or fax it to your contact person listed on your release form. 

If you do not want us to contact anyone about your private situations, or if you would prefer to tell us about yourself in person during your sessions, feel free to disregard this form. 

We generally prefer to learn about your life story directly from you!